Three-Heater 6: SJ-6: Zhigou – Branch Ditch
Three-Heater 6 releases Qi stagnation and removes obstruction from intestines. Clears Heat from all parts of the body. Helps depression.
Three-Heater 6 releases Qi stagnation and removes obstruction from intestines. Clears Heat from all parts of the body. Helps depression.
Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine: doesn’t exactly inspire confidence does it?! But you’ll know someone who has this, even if they keep quiet about it.
Food Retention is what happens after over-eating and over-drinking, often too close to sleep. Often leads to constipation and sometimes diarrhoea.
Three-Heater 6 releases Qi stagnation and removes obstruction from intestines. Clears Heat from all parts of the body. Helps depression.
Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine: doesn’t exactly inspire confidence does it?! But you’ll know someone who has this, even if they keep quiet about it.
Food Retention is what happens after over-eating and over-drinking, often too close to sleep. Often leads to constipation and sometimes diarrhoea.
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