Why People Recommend Jonathan: Testimonials

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Key Learning Points

  • Testimonials come from a wide range of people and backgrounds
  • Some people have long-term problems, others very recent
  • Most people are referred by existing patients
  • Long experience treating many health problems


Practitioners who get most of their business because patients recommend them are probably busiest, and possibly happiest. Advertising is expensive but to refer a friend to a practitioner indicates you confirm that he or she has done good work.

Why do People make Appointments to Consult Jonathan?

“I have huge respect for your skills and knowledge, having benefited from them on several occasions, so it is only natural that I would – and will – keep passing on your contact details. I appreciate fully that I am very healthy for my advanced years, but also probability says health problems will come along more frequently.   I hope not too soon – but if / when they arise, you will be a very early port of call!” (Marjory Rodger, Management Consultant, Edinburgh, 17/12/14)

‘We have been going to see Jonathan for years and we have had excellent and consistent results with him.’ (Michael Boyd, full-time student, Corstorphine, Edinburgh, 1/4/10)

‘I sought appointments with Jonathon for different problems over some considerable period of time. I did so because I have confidence in his judgment and always benefited from treatments administered by him.’ – (Marjory Rodger, Company Director, Transport Industry, Edinburgh: March 2010)

‘It was a recommendation’ – (C.H. East Lothian: March 2010)

‘Recommended to me by a previous patient’ – – (Alice Wilson, Balgreen, Edinburgh, Civil Servant with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for 17+ years: March 2010)

‘I have been a patient of Jonathan’s for almost fifteen years, and I made an appointment with him because of his professionalism, knowledge and his safe and trustworthy manner. Another main factor is that I always feel ‘listened to’ and never rushed during my appointments.’ (Gillian Drysdale, Portobello, Drug Rehabilitation: March 2010)

‘I have now been making appointments with Jonathan for acupuncture and /or homeopathy, over 20 years now and with excellent results each time.’ (Joanne Dancer, Xelplex Associate, Edinburgh: February 2010)

‘I have used homoeopathy for many years in preference to orthodox medicine. I get better results.’ (Pat Boyd, Podiatrist & Specialist in Bio-mechanical and Sports injuries, Edinburgh April 2010)

‘A friend who had already received successful treatments from Jonathan recommended him to me.’ (Claire, Edinburgh 29.3.10)

‘I was recommended to see Jonathan by the International College of Oriental Medicine, East Grinstead, Sussex, one of the leading teaching establishments in the UK.’ (David Langridge, Artist, Edinburgh 15/3/10)

‘Robin Wicks spoke very highly of you.’ (Gemma Beher, Mum/University Lecturer, Dunblane, February 2010)

‘I went to see Jonathan because he is a professionally qualified therapist – ie competent.’ (Taylor Bourne, Lecturer, Education, Glasgow February 2010)


How does Jonathan approach his work?

‘I feel that Jonathan always approaches his work methodically but also intuitively, his vast experience shows itself in his work practice and results.’ – (Gillian Drysdale, Portobello, Drug Rehabilitation: March 2010)

‘Jonathon listens attentively and researches the background thoroughly before arriving at any conclusion. He always seems to be interested in his patients as people first and I have often been surprised at how much he remembered of what I had told him.’ – (Marjory Rodger, Company Director, Transport Industry, Edinburgh: March 2010)

‘Jonathan approaches his work in a serious and totally professional manner.’ (Pat Boyd, Podiatrist & Specialist in Bio-mechanical and Sports injuries, Edinburgh April 2010)

‘His approach is professional and friendly.’ (Joanne Dancer, Xelplex Associate, Edinburgh: February 2010)

Jonathan is very professional and also very approachable. (Claire, Edinburgh 29.3.10)

‘No stone is left unturned, in careful detail, methodically, systematically and sensitively.’ (Gemma Beher, Mum/University Lecturer, Dunblane, February 2010)

‘Jonathan approaches his work in a kind, considerate, patient and thoughtful manner which makes you feel totally at peace.’ (Michael Boyd, full-time student, Corstorphine, Edinburgh, 1/4/10)

‘Systematic, thorough, patient. – (Alice Wilson, Balgreen, Edinburgh, Civil Servant with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for 17+ years))

‘(Jonathan) listens carefully to my symptoms – very methodical and calm; a bit like a detective – a process of elimination. He’s very supportive and encouraging.’ – (C.H. East Lothian: March 2010)

‘Jonathan is professional in the way he tackles his work.’ (Taylor Bourne, Lecturer, Education, Glasgow February 2010)


How does Jonathan explain your problems?

‘Jonathan explained fully what he proposed to do and how it would feel. He never gives the impression of being time pressured: as a patient I always felt I could seek any further clarification wanted.’ – (Marjory Rodger, Company Director, Transport Industry, Edinburgh: March 2010)

‘Jonathan has always been painstaking in his approach to my problems and the treatment he provides.’ (David Langridge, Artist, Edinburgh 15.3.10)

‘He clarifies my problem back to me, with simplicity and confidence.’ (Joanne Dancer, Xelplex Associate, Edinburgh: March 2010)

‘He explains well, translating Chinese medicine practice into something very understandable for the lay person’ – (Alice Wilson, Balgreen, Edinburgh, Civil Servant with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for 17+ years : March 2010)

‘Jonathan explains my problems in great detail with a wonderfully clear, calm, completely understandable and jargon-free way.’ (Michael Boyd, full-time student, Corstorphine, Edinburgh, 1/4/10)

‘He explained my symptoms in terms of Chinese medicine.’ – (CH, East Lothian: March 2010)

‘Jonathan explains my problems from a different point of view using his broad experience in Chinese medicine and homoeopathy.’ (Pat Boyd, Podiatrist & Specialist in Bio-mechanical and Sports injuries, Edinburgh April 2010)

‘Jonathan explained my problems factually and used plain language, Jonathan also uses fantastic analogies when talking about Chinese medicine.’ (Gillian Drysdale, Portobello, Drug Rehabilitation: March 2010)

‘Jonathan keeps his patient in the picture by explaining what he is treating.’ (Taylor Bourne, Lecturer, Education, Glasgow)

‘Jonathan explained (my treatments) clearly, often using examples to help me understand further.’ (Claire, Edinburgh 29.3.10)


How well did he explain the treatment he suggested for you?

‘He does not volunteer the treatment until asked for it – a tendency in the practice of homeopathy. It can take a bit of getting used to.’ – (CH, East Lothian: March 2010)

‘When explaining a suggested treatment, (Jonathan) leaves no doubts in my mind with regard to it.’ (Joanne Dancer, Xelplex Associate, Edinburgh: February 2010)

‘He selects a remedy following a detailed consultation regarding my symptoms. He doesn’t always divulge the remedy. Advice on nutrition is given including its effects.’ (Pat Boyd, Podiatrist & Specialist in Bio-mechanical and Sports injuries, Edinburgh April 2010)

‘Jonathan was very patient when I asked him questions about my treatment and happy to explain things again if needed.’ (Gillian Drysdale, Portobello, Drug Rehabilitation: March 2010)

‘Jonathan explained what he was giving me (remedy) in relation to my problems.’ (Taylor Bourne, Lecturer, Education, Glasgow February 2010)

‘Jonathan has been so accurate with my treatment. I never ask about what he prescribes so my mind will not interfere with treatment.’ (Michael Boyd, full-time student, Corstorphine, Edinburgh, 1/4/10)


The effect of his treatment?

‘His homeopathic medicine is very powerful. It’s not just a science but an art. The efficacy of homeopathy never ceases to amaze me. ’ – (CH, East Lothian: March 2010)

‘I find with having acupuncture, that there is a sensation of a pinprick; then feeling relaxed and comfortable until the waiting period is over. The treatments over these years has been for a variety of things. For example:- e……. , t……. b…………… , h.. ……… knee problem. All of course duly solved!’(Joanne Dancer, Xelplex Associate, Edinburgh: February 2010)

‘The treatments (by Jonathan) have been completely successful (with accurate treatment) and the total ridding of my problems.’ (Michael Boyd, full-time student, Corstorphine, Edinburgh, 1/4/10)

‘I very much believe that Jonathan’s wisdom and expertise is paramount to the successful results of his treatments. As my family and I have been treated by Jonathan for many years now I firmly believe that with some help the body can effectively repair and balance itself. My family have attended Jonathan for help with a range of problems such as:c…… f…… s……. , a…… , t………. , r………. ………. , b……. , e.. ………. (for the kids), and generally to re-balance us when we are a bit ‘off’. My two young boys have always been treated successfully using Homeopathy.’ (Gillian Drysdale, Portobello, Drug Rehabilitation: March 2010)

‘The effects are very good. I have been a patient for over 17 years and going to Jonathan is my first choice for treatment – mental, emotional, physical.’ (Pat Boyd, Podiatrist & Specialist in Bio-mechanical and Sports injuries, Edinburgh April 2010)

‘It’s gradually been working over the past few months, increasing my energy levels initially and now affecting my pain in a way which no other doctor has managed to do in 17 years.’ (Alice Wilson, Balgreen, Edinburgh, Civil Servant with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for 17+ years: March 2010)

‘I have received acupuncture from Jonathan over many years, and always found the treatment very comfortable, safe and beneficial.’ (David Langridge, Artist, Edinburgh 15/3/10)

‘I have attended Jonathon for various ailments. I have been very pleasantly surprised at the level of pain relief experienced and joint flexibility restored. A common factor from all treatments is the sense of relaxation and wellbeing invoked.’(Marjory Rodger, Company Director, Transport Industry, Edinburgh: March 2010)

‘The treatment I received from Jonathan has been very effective and (has) improved my health.’ (Taylor Bourne, Lecturer, Education, Glasgow February 2010)

‘I am extremely pleased with the results.’ (Claire, Edinburgh 29.3.10)

How well have his treatments done for people you referred to Jonathan?

‘Jonathan treats my husband and two children too. He has also treated my mother and several friends. Everyone who has been treated by him has experienced recovery and an increased sense of wellbeing.’ (Gillian Drysdale, Portobello, Drug Rehabilitation: March 2010)

‘On my recommendation, Jonathon has treated one of my daughters and she shares my confidence in his skills – to the extent that she recommended him to a close friend who now also shares our opinion of his abilities.’ – (Marjory Rodger, Company Director, Transport Industry, Edinburgh: March 2010)

‘Jonathan has treated my son and my mother. These treatments have been very successful. My son finds great benefit from consulting him.’ (Pat Boyd, Podiatrist & Specialist in Biomechanical and Sports injuries, Edinburgh April 2010)


How do you feel if you received acupuncture from Jonathan?

‘During acupuncture I have always felt safe and reassured. I have also always experienced relaxation and calmness whilst having my treatment. (Gillian Drysdale, Portobello, Drug Rehabilitation: March 2010)

‘Very safe, I trust Jonathan implicitly and always feel safe and comfortable during treatments.’ – (Alice Wilson, Balgreen, Edinburgh, Civil Servant with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for 17+ years: March 2010)

‘I have received acupuncture on quite a number of occasions and felt great benefit from it. Before attending Jonathon initially, I was rather sceptical as to the benefits of acupuncture but quickly came to appreciate both the benefits of the treatment and Jonathon’s skill in administering it. I always felt totally safe and have implicit faith in his skill with the placing of the needles.’ (Marjory Rodger, Company Director, Transport Industry, Edinburgh: March 2010)

‘During acupuncture I felt very safe and comfortable, and it did not hurt at all.’ (Claire, Edinburgh 29.3.10)


Would you recommend him?

‘I would definitely recommend Jonathan and have done so on numerous occasions.’ ’ – (CH, East Lothian: March 2010)

‘I have recommended Jonathon to others – including my own daughter.’ – (Marjory Rodger, Company Director, Transport Industry, Edinburgh: March 2010)

‘I’m very pleased to be able to say how grateful indeed I am to know Jonathan as a knowledgeable Practitioner and I recommend him to anyone, because these methods WORK!’ (Joanne Dancer, Xelplex Associate, Edinburgh: February 2010)

‘I have recommended Jonathan to many people. Homoeopathy is able to treat many things that orthodox medicine has no answer for. In many cases these people I recommend have tried many other things to no effect.’ (Pat Boyd, Podiatrist & Specialist in Bio-mechanical and Sports injuries, Edinburgh April 2010)

‘I would have no hesitation in recommending Jonathan to friends and colleagues, in fact I have already done so over the years. Many people are sceptical and sometimes unsure what treatments are, and at these times I ask people to telephone Jonathan first and get him to explain a bit more about his treatments. Also the fact that I have been treated by Jonathan for so long is ‘proof’ to them that ‘it’ works!’ (Gillian Drysdale, Portobello, Drug Rehabilitation: March 2010)

‘I have recommended acupuncture and specifically Jonathan to friends with similar problems as they too are not helped by Western medicine practice.’ – (Alice Wilson, Balgreen, Edinburgh, Civil Servant with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for 17+ years: March 2010)

‘I wholeheartedly recommend Jonathan to anyone wanting a homeopathic treatment and since getting to know Jonathan’s way of working, I have been converted into an enormous fan of homoeopathy. For those who think it is all to do with the power of suggestion or placebo effects, I recommend you watch a baby being treated and then make up your mind!!! (Gemma Beher, Mum/University Lecturer, Dunblane, February 2010)

‘In recommending Jonathan to others I would say that he is a very good therapist who can help people with their health problems.’ (Taylor Bourne, Lecturer, Education, Glasgow February 2010)

‘I would definitely recommend Jonathan to anyone I know.’ (Claire, Edinburgh 29.3.10)

‘I would swear by his treatment and methods (to anyone,) – with natural and incredible healing methods and a kind, relaxed and helpful attitude and atmosphere I would recommend it to everyone.’ (Michael Boyd, full-time student, Corstorphine, Edinburgh, 1/4/10)

To find out more about Jonathan, click here!


Comments about Jonathan and some of his other treatments

Scottish Association of Professional Homeopaths

‘Jonathan has helped me enormously when other practitioners, both orthodox and alternative, have either given up or failed. I am not ‘out of the woods’ yet having had a chronic illness for 30 years, but if anyone can cure me, then I know Jonathan can. He is a bit of a modern ‘alchemist’! ’ – (CH, East Lothian: March 2010)

‘I regard Jonathan both personally and professionally with the highest regard. His knowledge never ceases to amaze me and his personality is unique!’ (Gillian Drysdale, Portobello, Drug Rehabilitation: March 2010)




‘I never thought anything could help treat the chronic pain I suffer until receiving treatment from Jonathan. I now feel that my pain is treatable and that Jonathan can help me regain a quality of life I haven’t experienced since I was 14!’ – (Alice Wilson, Balgreen, Edinburgh, Civil Servant with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for 17+ years: March 2010)

‘Having just had my 73rd birthday, feeling and being fit & healthy, I feel this wouldn’t be the story, had I not had those treatments. Being healthy is the best of all gifts.’ (Joanne Dancer, Xelplex Associate, Edinburgh: February 2010)

‘Jonathan’s services are some of the best, most professional and effective of any I have ever experienced. I would never go to anyone else. He has helped me more than I could ever begin to describe.’ (Michael Boyd, full-time student, Corstorphine, Edinburgh, 1/4/10)

‘Hopefully I have covered all salient points above. From what I have already said I hope it is clear that should the need arise, I would not hesitate to seek further treatment from Jonathon.’ – (Marjory Rodger, Company Director, Transport Industry, Edinburgh: March 2010)

‘In our experience, Jonathan handles his clients very sensitively and prescribes with the utmost care. He explains how bodily systems operate and the theory behind using one remedy over another, so you always feel as if you have a good understanding of why he has suggested your particular remedy. He has worked with both my son and I since 2005 and I usually compare Jonathan’s homeopathic skills to waving a magic wand, the transformation being so enormous as a remedy works! In addition to scheduled appointments, Jonathan has also been readily available at the end of a phone to advise and reassure and has at all times treated us with care and professionalism. I cannot thank him enough for his continued support and insightful treatments.’ (Gemma Beher, Mum/University Lecturer, Dunblane, February 2010)

‘I went to see Jonathan as a homeopath. The service he provided was very professional. The treatment he gave me was very effective and I would have no hesitation in recommending him to others – I have already done so.’ (Taylor Bourne, Lecturer, Education, Glasgow February 2010)

‘I am very pleased with the results of the acupuncture and recently I have had quite a lot of stress with work and other areas of my life but amazingly did not suffer from headaches throughout this time.’ (Claire, Edinburgh 29.3.10)

‘Jonathan is a highly qualified, wise and experience man. He has a breadth of knowledge which he calls upon when treating me. Over the years he has been of great help solving the vast majority of my health problems from simple sore throats, menopausal and stress-related afflictions to emotional symptoms. I am most grateful for his help.’ (Pat Boyd, Podiatrist & Specialist in Bio-mechanical and Sports injuries, Edinburgh April 2010)



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Comments by patients who received Bowen treatment from Jonathan and recommend him

Read about Bowen here.

‘Jonathan interduced me to the Bowen method. I was doubtful as I had a longterm back injury. After the first treatment I felt so different as the pain had become dull and very much less intense. I also felt it awaken my whole body. I looked forward to my next two treatments. Which also went better than expected. I am very grateful for Johnathan who using the Bowen treatment made me feel so much better.’ Joan Major, Edinburgh (Received three treatments.)

‘I suffered with repetitive severe back pain from an injury. I went to the Edinburgh Natural Health Clinic to see Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott. I was introduced to the Bowen method. After receiving just three sessions I have had total relief for over two months.’ Kerry Watts, Falkirk (Received three treatments.)

‘I had suffered a shoulder muscle injury while weight training and although having visited a physiotherapist, it did not appear to be improving. It was preventing me from playing tennis competitively with the impact on my serve. Using the Bowen Technique, the difference was evident after the first session and continued over the following weeks. I have now been able to return to the gym and play tennis again to my former standard as a county player. I would have no hesitation in recommending Jonathon’s expertise with these ailments and in particular the use of the Bowen Technique.’ Alistair Armstrong, Edinburgh (Received three treatments)

“I recently volunteered to a three week program for Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott at the Edinburgh Natural Health Centre with regard to the Bowen technique. I approached the first meeting with an open mind, having not done anything like this before. I had been feeling generally stressed, run down and not sleeping properly. Jonathan’s approach is very thorough. He takes a great deal of time to discuss matters regarding my general health and well being before starting any treatment. I was also made to feel totally at ease with the whole procedure. I must admit to being a bit sceptical regarding how this could work during my first session, as the whole process is so subtle. The process involves gentle manipulations of various muscles which includes periods of rest between each application. The overall process is very restful. I can honestly say that after my second visit I was sleeping and feeling a lot better and this continued after my third and final visit. Due to the outstanding results and benefits I have received from this form of treatment, any future complaints, my first port of call with be Jonathan. Peter Lavin – Edinburgh (Received three treatments)

NB All the comments above are in the words (and spelling) of the patients who recommend me.

Although most of my business arrives because people recommend me, I don’t usually collect recommendations like these. I did so with a few patients in May 2010 when I was planning to give a one-day seminar on marketing for members of the Scottish Association of Professional Homoeopaths that Summer. (That’s also why there are more examples of homoeopathic patients who recommend me than acupuncture patients, although I actually see more patients for acupuncture.)

I was able to show those who attended the seminar what worked, how to ask patients to recommend the practitioner and how to improve their businesses.


If you are a patient of a practitioner whom you think is good, do recommend him or her to your friends.

That probably helps your practitioner and may help your friends. You’ll feel good too!

All the comments made are signed by those who made them. In some cases individuals were very happy to recommend me but preferred to keep their identities out of the public eye, so are identifiable only by their initials.


Advertising Standards Authority

In the above, because the British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has criteria on what may be said, mention of the (many) beneficial effects on specific diseases or conditions treated by Jonathan has mostly been removed. Where this occurs, you’ll see the first letter of the presenting problem followed by dots like this … Clicking on this takes you to a page where the ASA explains its position.

Do contact Jonathan for more information or to discover the missing words! +44 (0) 7950 012501.

Click here to get from this ‘Recommend’ page to a page about Jonathan

Jonathan also writes books. You can get these in either softback or on your Kindle. At the moment he writes about one book a year.

These books are on topics which he knows people are interested in because so many people visit his pages on the subject in question.

All the books are written for people who have little or no prior knowledge of Chinese medicine. Although the ideas and concepts may be new to you, each book is about something recognisable, and written in easy to understand English.

He gets good reviews, too, from people who bought the books, read them and recommended them.

Below is a list of his current books.

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