Learn more about your symptoms through my book selection:

Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.

Nervous Stomach Anxiety: yin/yang explanation
Why You get Nervous Stomach Anxiety and How to Handle It. Acupuncture has great ways to help.

Introductory Chinese Medicine course
This Introductory Chinese medicine course introduces you to the amazing thinking behind this ancient medicine, now increasingly in demand.

Scottish College for Chinese Medicine
The Scottish College for Chinese medicine provides introductory courses for all, explaining Chinese medicine and its cultural background.

Master Tung’s Acupuncture
Master Tung’s acupuncture is a hidden treasure, lost to China but recovered in Taiwan from where it spread round the world.

Skin Health
Skin health comes mainly from good nutrition, good sleep and a happy outlook.

Knee Pain
Knee pain has five main causes. It’s certainly worth trying acupuncture before you resort to surgery!

Dry Heat
Drynesss and dry heat leech life out of the bugs! Keep your body supplied with fluids and let it do its work.

Itchy Skin – Skin Itching
Itchy skin may not be serious but still! – it can drive you mad: which is serious! Discover the four main causes in Chinese medicine.

Braised Red Cabbage
Red cabbage braised takes a few minutes to prepare and benefits Blood and digestion – your microbiome. Helps clear Damp-Heat too.

Oatcakes are a great Scottish snack, though we allow other nations to eat them too. Also they nourish Stomach yin!

PreEclampsia and Chinese medicine
Preeclampsia leads to stroke or heart disease in some children and teenagers. How does Chinese medicine explain this?

Aggressive Energy
Aggressive Energy (AE) is a diagnosis and treatment used in Five Element acupuncture. It can obstruct success of otherwise good treatments.

Salty Taste in Chinese medicine
Too much food with the Salty taste in Chinese medicine will make you ill. But you need some! Which foods do they mean?

Spicy Taste in Chinese medicine
The spicy taste in Chinese medicine adds lightness and energy to your diet, helping your lungs work better. You need some, but not too much!

Sweet Taste in Chinese medicine
Foods classified as having a sweet taste in Chinese medicine are vital for health. But too little or too much ‘sweet’ food leads to disease.

Taste in Chinese Medicine
Taste in Chinese medicine describes, like short-hand, what foods and herbs can do for your health. Discover the right balance!

Diagnose Atrial Fibrillation with Chinese medicine
Diagnose atrial fibrillation with Chinese medicine. Too much or too little yang and sometimes yin or blood deficiency.

War and Peace, Yin and Yang
In War and Peace, Yin and Yang offer insight. Not that you’ll always like what it tells you. But it may help you define priorities.

Food Accumulation – Constipation – baby, child, even teens
Food Accumulation explains what happens when food blocks a child’s intestines, drying, thickening and heating, causing chronic disease later.

Erection Difficulty Treatment, Foods and Supplements
For erection difficulty treatment, which foods and supplements help and which don’t? Here’s advice from Chinese medicine.

Erectile Dysfunction in Chinese medicine
Erectile dysfunction means difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. Embarassing and humiliating, but Chinese medicine can help!

Male Infertility
Male infertility causes 30% infertility! Don’t waste valuable time – Investigate both male and female right from the start!

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