Qi Stagnation and Stress: what to do to relieve stress.
How to reduce stress, pain, inflammation and all the symptoms of stagnating Qi. Get your life moving again!
How to reduce stress, pain, inflammation and all the symptoms of stagnating Qi. Get your life moving again!
Coffee – Is coffee yin or yang?! Find how Chinese medicine explains who it’s good for! But also, Who Should Avoid it?
Stomach Qi Deficiency affects most of us sooner or later! Have you ever lost your appetite and felt queasy and tired in the morning?
Stomach Qi and Stomach Functions in Chinese medicine regulate your health and probably your wealth. Ignore them at your peril!
Almost everyone thinks they have Stomach and Spleen deficiency sooner or later. They’re probably right what with diet, worry, work and the environment!
If you’re alive, keep your qi in working order and you’ll enjoy life. Even when you’re dead, there’ll be some left!
How to reduce stress, pain, inflammation and all the symptoms of stagnating Qi. Get your life moving again!
Coffee – Is coffee yin or yang?! Find how Chinese medicine explains who it’s good for! But also, Who Should Avoid it?
Stomach Qi Deficiency affects most of us sooner or later! Have you ever lost your appetite and felt queasy and tired in the morning?
Stomach Qi and Stomach Functions in Chinese medicine regulate your health and probably your wealth. Ignore them at your peril!
Almost everyone thinks they have Stomach and Spleen deficiency sooner or later. They’re probably right what with diet, worry, work and the environment!
If you’re alive, keep your qi in working order and you’ll enjoy life. Even when you’re dead, there’ll be some left!
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If you are interested in understanding how Traditional Chinese Medicine can improve your life sign up to my newsletter for the latest updates.