Heart & Kidney Not In Touch, with Yin deficiency
Heart and Kidney not communicating, with yin deficiency, can lead to potentially life-threatening consequences like internal bleeding.
Heart and Kidney not communicating, with yin deficiency, can lead to potentially life-threatening consequences like internal bleeding.
Acupuncture is Good For What? Lots, but traditional acupuncturists treat syndromes and channels, not illnesses. Also there are some things he needs to know!
What Is Acupuncture Medicine and how does it explain and treat a host of diseases?
2500 years of acupuncture theory and you thought it was just sticking in a few pins? It makes sense of where energy goes in your body, what happens when you’re in pain – and what to do about it.
Heart and Kidney not communicating, with yin deficiency, can lead to potentially life-threatening consequences like internal bleeding.
Acupuncture is Good For What? Lots, but traditional acupuncturists treat syndromes and channels, not illnesses. Also there are some things he needs to know!
What Is Acupuncture Medicine and how does it explain and treat a host of diseases?
2500 years of acupuncture theory and you thought it was just sticking in a few pins? It makes sense of where energy goes in your body, what happens when you’re in pain – and what to do about it.
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