Metal Element or Metal Phase
Metal element or Metal phase generates the essence of maturity and experience, ready to enrich the next cycle of life: meantime, fortifying spirit!
Metal element or Metal phase generates the essence of maturity and experience, ready to enrich the next cycle of life: meantime, fortifying spirit!
Growth and Your Wood element or Wood Phase describes how your life and health respond to growing and expanding your horizons.
Water phase or Water Element problems often come with lack of fluidity and poor recovery from rest: memory and comprehension issues.
Fermented foods both preserve and enhance a food’s quality, add ‘sourness’ to you diet and help Liver and Gallbladder work better.
Singing means different things to different people. It can be enjoyable and community-enhancing. What about for health and your mind?
Element points lie between elbow and finger-tip or knee and toe-tip. They hugely enhance other acupuncture strategies but some acupuncturists ignore them!
5 elements acupuncture is enjoying a resurgence in popularity, even spreading back to China from Europe. It can make for powerful treatment..
The bitter taste alerts us to poison, but in food, we need some of it to balance our heart and fire energies. It also keeps us regular!
Everyone knows how their lungs function. You just breathe, and that’s it! Well, in Chinese medicine, that’s hardly even the start of it.
Fire, the Spark of Life and Creativity. Chinese Medicine shows you how to Increase Human Warmth and Joy in Life.
Metal element or Metal phase generates the essence of maturity and experience, ready to enrich the next cycle of life: meantime, fortifying spirit!
Growth and Your Wood element or Wood Phase describes how your life and health respond to growing and expanding your horizons.
Water phase or Water Element problems often come with lack of fluidity and poor recovery from rest: memory and comprehension issues.
Fermented foods both preserve and enhance a food’s quality, add ‘sourness’ to you diet and help Liver and Gallbladder work better.
Singing means different things to different people. It can be enjoyable and community-enhancing. What about for health and your mind?
Element points lie between elbow and finger-tip or knee and toe-tip. They hugely enhance other acupuncture strategies but some acupuncturists ignore them!
5 elements acupuncture is enjoying a resurgence in popularity, even spreading back to China from Europe. It can make for powerful treatment..
The bitter taste alerts us to poison, but in food, we need some of it to balance our heart and fire energies. It also keeps us regular!
Everyone knows how their lungs function. You just breathe, and that’s it! Well, in Chinese medicine, that’s hardly even the start of it.
Fire, the Spark of Life and Creativity. Chinese Medicine shows you how to Increase Human Warmth and Joy in Life.
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If you are interested in understanding how Traditional Chinese Medicine can improve your life sign up to my newsletter for the latest updates.