5 Elements acupuncture: The Five phases
5 elements acupuncture is enjoying a resurgence in popularity, even spreading back to China from Europe. It can make for powerful treatment..
5 elements acupuncture is enjoying a resurgence in popularity, even spreading back to China from Europe. It can make for powerful treatment..
Kidney yang foods sound good don’t they? Giving you oomph, mojo, get-up-and-go! But just like a baby, it starts with Mum – yin energy!
Damp foods are foods that often make Damp problems worse in your body. Avoiding them will help most chronic Damp conditions.
The bitter taste alerts us to poison, but in food, we need some of it to balance our heart and fire energies. It also keeps us regular!
Can you get insurance cover for acupuncture from a member of the BAcC – British Acupuncture Council? Growing evidence shows how often acupuncture can help!
How to cope with fever. Fever is the body’s way to kill invaders like influenza, coronavirus and similar. It helps you speed up making antibodies.
A superb dish for your microbiome and its pre-biotics, Clogstoun Porridgee is made from oats (so no gluten) and may help reduce cholesterol.
How Bowen Works was never really explained by Tom Bowen. He worked it out alone. But there are similarities to acupuncture theory.
Aggravations after a homoeopathic remedy (or any other treatment that works in the same way) are usually misunderstood but can reveal a strong vital force.
What hope is there from orthodox treatment for depression? And what can YOU do to help yourself? And how does acupuncture explain it?
5 elements acupuncture is enjoying a resurgence in popularity, even spreading back to China from Europe. It can make for powerful treatment..
Kidney yang foods sound good don’t they? Giving you oomph, mojo, get-up-and-go! But just like a baby, it starts with Mum – yin energy!
Damp foods are foods that often make Damp problems worse in your body. Avoiding them will help most chronic Damp conditions.
The bitter taste alerts us to poison, but in food, we need some of it to balance our heart and fire energies. It also keeps us regular!
Can you get insurance cover for acupuncture from a member of the BAcC – British Acupuncture Council? Growing evidence shows how often acupuncture can help!
How to cope with fever. Fever is the body’s way to kill invaders like influenza, coronavirus and similar. It helps you speed up making antibodies.
A superb dish for your microbiome and its pre-biotics, Clogstoun Porridgee is made from oats (so no gluten) and may help reduce cholesterol.
How Bowen Works was never really explained by Tom Bowen. He worked it out alone. But there are similarities to acupuncture theory.
Aggravations after a homoeopathic remedy (or any other treatment that works in the same way) are usually misunderstood but can reveal a strong vital force.
What hope is there from orthodox treatment for depression? And what can YOU do to help yourself? And how does acupuncture explain it?
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