Self-help: get the best out of your acupuncturist!
Self-Help to help yourself. If you’re considering treatment with acupuncture, find out what you can do to improve the consultation.
Self-Help to help yourself. If you’re considering treatment with acupuncture, find out what you can do to improve the consultation.
Interval training was never practised in ancient China as far as I know. But done right, it enhances resilience and cardio-vascular function. So, helps to balance Yin and Yang.
Homeopathic self-help and what a remedy like Arnica is used for. For acute conditions patients often keep a supply of remedies at home.
Cosmetic acupuncture, often on the face, can improve appearance, but we believe it works even better when combined with body – traditional – acupuncture.
Acupuncture Benefits include the economy of treatment and the underlying theory explaining stress, disease and wellness.
The Chinese Massage system known as Tuina, using acupressure along meridians, is quite foreign to Western Medicine, yet widely used in Chinese hospitals.
The World Health Organisation has looked at all the published clinical trials of acupuncture effectiveness and this is what it found.
Acupuncture Safety? Why doesn’t acupuncture kill you? Don’t they stick needles into you? Is that such a good idea?! How safe is it?
Acupuncture Pain Relief only hints at what it can do: from improving health to easing pain, acupuncture has a great history of success
Here’s a brief account of the history of ear acupuncture which, like the auricle, is full of twists and turns.
Self-Help to help yourself. If you’re considering treatment with acupuncture, find out what you can do to improve the consultation.
Interval training was never practised in ancient China as far as I know. But done right, it enhances resilience and cardio-vascular function. So, helps to balance Yin and Yang.
Homeopathic self-help and what a remedy like Arnica is used for. For acute conditions patients often keep a supply of remedies at home.
Cosmetic acupuncture, often on the face, can improve appearance, but we believe it works even better when combined with body – traditional – acupuncture.
Acupuncture Benefits include the economy of treatment and the underlying theory explaining stress, disease and wellness.
The Chinese Massage system known as Tuina, using acupressure along meridians, is quite foreign to Western Medicine, yet widely used in Chinese hospitals.
The World Health Organisation has looked at all the published clinical trials of acupuncture effectiveness and this is what it found.
Acupuncture Safety? Why doesn’t acupuncture kill you? Don’t they stick needles into you? Is that such a good idea?! How safe is it?
Acupuncture Pain Relief only hints at what it can do: from improving health to easing pain, acupuncture has a great history of success
Here’s a brief account of the history of ear acupuncture which, like the auricle, is full of twists and turns.
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