Lung 3: Tianfu – Heavenly Palace

Lung 3
Lung 3

Lung point 3 is the third point on the Lung acupuncture channel. As what is called a ‘Window of the Sky’ point, it has been found to have uses beyond those one might expect of an ordinary point on the arm.

Location of Lung Point 3

On the lateral border of the biceps, 6 cun above Chize, Lung 5 (at the elbow crease) and 3 cun below the axillary fold.

Divide the distance between the axillary fold and the elbow crease into 9 (nine) equal divisions. This point lies one third of the way down from the axillary crease on the lateral side of the biceps.

A good way to locate the point is to ask the patient to bring his upper arm to his nose, assuming he is looking straight ahead. Where his nose touches the skin is usually very close to the point.

The point is then usually in the depression inferior to the deltoid muscle and above the bulge of the biceps muscle, but more towards the deltoid. It may be a little sore in susceptible individuals.


Needling Lung 3

The texts suggest you needle the point perpendicularly to the skin, but in thin people be careful not to needle straight onto the humerus bone which lies adjacent to the point. In this case, needle somewhat obliquely so that the needle lies lateral to the bone.


Actions of Lung Point 3

  • As a Window of Heaven point, is said to help regulate the spirit. (See more about this below under Comment.)
  • Helps clear the eyes
  • Disseminates Lung Heat and helps Lung qi descend particularly where Liver Fire attacks the Lung qi
  • Nosebleed
  • Dizziness
  • Cough, spasmodic, coughing blood, with red face: wheezing and asthma
  • Difficulty breathing from anger
  • Helps to stop bleeding and to cool blood
  • Goitre and swelling of the throat




Comment on Lung Point 3

In some acupuncture schools, Window of the Sky points have acquired a ‘spiritual’ significance which may be very different from the actual uses for which they were originally listed in antiquity.

Window of the Sky points were first mentioned in the Spiritual Pivot, the second half of the Huang Di Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine). This book was written probably in the first century BC but attributed to a discussion between Huang Di, a somewhat mythical Emperor from around 2600 BC, and his physician(s).

For example, the point is said to help clear muddled thinking, sadness, disorientation, absent-mindedness, sleeplessness, sleeping too much, seeing floating ghosts, or where there is crazy speech.

So: a calming point.

(In effect, for acupuncturists, the point helps both to descend turbid Qi AND to ascend clear Qi.)

But Lung 3 has many other uses around the throat and head.

A good acupuncturist used the point on me to help clear my mind when there was a danger that anger (over a business matter) might cloud my judgement, and I’ve used it for similar reasons on others.

Did it work? Hard to say! When used on me, other points were needled at the same time. 

While there is no doubt that their overall effect was to clear my mind and prevent muddled thinking, I can’t in all honestly claim definitely it was the action of this point that made the difference.

Click here to return from Lung Point 3 to Acupuncture Point Location


For access to the other Lung channel points, click below:

Lung-1ZhongfuMiddle Mansion
Lung-2YunmenCloud Gate
Lung-3TianfuHeavenly Palace
Lung-4XiabaiProtecting White
Lung-5ChizeFoot Marsh
Lung-6KongxuiGreat Opening
Lung-7LiqueBroken Sequence
Lung-8JingquChannel Gutter
Lung-9TaiyuanGreat Abyss
Lung-10YujoFish Region
Lung-11ShaoshangLesser Shang
Jonathan Brand colours

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