Patient Data Form
What is our Patient Data Protection Policy? Here is the form we ask patients to sign and there is a link to our FULL data protection policy on the page.
What is our Patient Data Protection Policy? Here is the form we ask patients to sign and there is a link to our FULL data protection policy on the page.
‘Jonathan Talks’, tells you when, where and about what Jonathan is giving talks. Next? Food Energy! On 14th December 2024!
Interested in Acupuncture Study, Reading and Chinese medicine? Here’s a good reading list to get started. Many colleges recommend them too.
What does a professional course of homeopathy study mean? How long is it, and how difficult? What subjects are covered?
Aggravations after a homoeopathic remedy (or any other treatment that works in the same way) are usually misunderstood but can reveal a strong vital force.
Homeopathy definition? Find what happens when you poison someone! Take careful notes! When someone with those symptoms needs treatment, match them with the poison – there’s your remedy!
Want to study acupuncture, to become a professional acupuncturist? Here’s the list of good UK acupuncture schools to consider.
What is our Patient Data Protection Policy? Here is the form we ask patients to sign and there is a link to our FULL data protection policy on the page.
‘Jonathan Talks’, tells you when, where and about what Jonathan is giving talks. Next? Food Energy! On 14th December 2024!
Interested in Acupuncture Study, Reading and Chinese medicine? Here’s a good reading list to get started. Many colleges recommend them too.
What does a professional course of homeopathy study mean? How long is it, and how difficult? What subjects are covered?
Aggravations after a homoeopathic remedy (or any other treatment that works in the same way) are usually misunderstood but can reveal a strong vital force.
Homeopathy definition? Find what happens when you poison someone! Take careful notes! When someone with those symptoms needs treatment, match them with the poison – there’s your remedy!
Want to study acupuncture, to become a professional acupuncturist? Here’s the list of good UK acupuncture schools to consider.
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If you are interested in understanding how Traditional Chinese Medicine can improve your life sign up to my newsletter for the latest updates.