Jonathan Talks

Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott

This page, ‘Jonathan Talks’, tells you when, where and about what Jonathan is giving talks or courses.

However, not all these talks are open to the public, but the description will tell you.

Talks coming up

Jonathan Talks

The speaker, Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott, trained in acupuncture and Chinese medicine in the 1970s and has run a busy clinic in Edinburgh ever since. He is now seeing, in some families, the grandchildren of patients he first saw 40 years ago!

He has written 5 books on how Chinese medicine works in different situations, the most recent being on the nature of ‘phlegm’ and what to do about it. The next, forthcoming February 2025 is Yin-Yang and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Jonathan has given talks or lectures on acupuncture, Chinese medicine, nutrition, immunisation, stress, qi stagnation, yin deficiency, yang deficiency, how to clear phlegm and much else since 1986.

He lectured at various colleges of homoeopathy in Scotland for nearly 30 years, lecturing on homoeopathy, its philosophy, materia medica, nutrition, case-taking and for some time running a student clinic.

He has given talks at the Science Festival and courses all over Southern Scotland and some in the Highlands.

In another life he taught astrology and even book-keeping! And he was one of the first yoga teachers in Edinburgh.

He maintains a website explaining Chinese medicine in English, visited daily by many thousands of people worldwide:

People request online consultations from round the world (click here for details) and visitors to his website regularly write to him.

Fortunately they don’t all complain about the humour concealed within the folds of the pages.


Next Course

This is an Introduction to Food Energy for Health on December 14th 2024.

Open to everyone (except children).

Note, this is an introduction! It’s a really interesting subject, and a big one. Lots to find out!

It will NOT qualify you to practise Chinese medicine or acupuncture, but it may well enhance your self-knowledge and outlook, and help you deal with illness and life’s ups and downs!

There are limited places on the course, which takes place in East Lothian, a few miles to the East of Edinburgh. Here’s the link, again.

If too many people apply, we may repeat it for them, depending on numbers.

Jonathan Brand colours

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