Three Heater 5 Waiguan (Outer Frontier Gate)
Three Heater 5 is an important acupuncture point, useful in many situations including invasion by wind and mental defiance.
Three Heater 5 is an important acupuncture point, useful in many situations including invasion by wind and mental defiance.
What is acupuncture, and what are the facts? What happens when your acupuncturist treats you, using acupuncture needles or with acupressure?
Stomach 25 is the 25th point on the Stomach or Leg Bright Yang acupuncture channel, and the alarm point for the large intestine.
Liver 1 is the first point on the Liver acupuncture channel. Very useful for many pelvic and menstrual pains and problems.
Conception Vessel 12, Middle of the Earth, is a vital acupuncture point for helping people with their digestion, Lungs and energy.
Although your Heart is your most vital organ, the main acupuncture and source point on the Heart Channel, Heart 7, Shenmen, isn’t the most significant point on your body. Still, it is important!
Bladder point 67 is an acupuncture point. In Chinese medicine it has special properties including ‘spinning babies’, but get the theory and you’ll grasp how it helps other conditions.
Conception Vessel 4, Guanyuan, is the fourth point on the Conception Vessel, one of the so-called ‘extraordinary’ acupuncture channels.
Bladder point 23, Shen Shu, a point on the Bladder acupuncture channel is also the Back Shu, or Back correspondence point, of the Kidneys.
Pericardium 6, a famous point to help with nausea during pregnancy, has many more important uses. Here’s why not to over-use it!
Three Heater 5 is an important acupuncture point, useful in many situations including invasion by wind and mental defiance.
What is acupuncture, and what are the facts? What happens when your acupuncturist treats you, using acupuncture needles or with acupressure?
Stomach 25 is the 25th point on the Stomach or Leg Bright Yang acupuncture channel, and the alarm point for the large intestine.
Liver 1 is the first point on the Liver acupuncture channel. Very useful for many pelvic and menstrual pains and problems.
Conception Vessel 12, Middle of the Earth, is a vital acupuncture point for helping people with their digestion, Lungs and energy.
Although your Heart is your most vital organ, the main acupuncture and source point on the Heart Channel, Heart 7, Shenmen, isn’t the most significant point on your body. Still, it is important!
Bladder point 67 is an acupuncture point. In Chinese medicine it has special properties including ‘spinning babies’, but get the theory and you’ll grasp how it helps other conditions.
Conception Vessel 4, Guanyuan, is the fourth point on the Conception Vessel, one of the so-called ‘extraordinary’ acupuncture channels.
Bladder point 23, Shen Shu, a point on the Bladder acupuncture channel is also the Back Shu, or Back correspondence point, of the Kidneys.
Pericardium 6, a famous point to help with nausea during pregnancy, has many more important uses. Here’s why not to over-use it!
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