Blood level – Heat victorious stirring Wind

shallow focus of white dandelion: Heat victorious stirring Wind

Blood level – Heat victorious stirring Wind – Illness at this level is a serious, possibly mortal, event.

Either the patient’s immune system is weak or, more likely, the illness, the invading pathogen, is strong and has trampled over the preceding levels of resistance (Wei, QI and Ying levels) to arrive here where it attacks the Blood.

At the first two syndromes (Heat Victorious agitates Blood, or Heat victorious stirring Wind) the patient’s body is strong enough – still – to produce high fever.

That fever can of course kill, but Chinese medicine would regard such a fever as a more positive sign compared with the other three syndromes (Empty Wind agitates the Interior, Collapse of Yin and Collapse of Yang) which arise from weakness, so prognosis is less hopeful.

Main symptoms of Heat Victorious Stirring Wind

  • High fever
  • Twitching
  • Convulsions
  • Fainting, loss of consciousness
  • Neck rigidity
  • Teeth clench
  • Eyeballs turn up
  • Neck goes rigid

Neck rigidity - symptom of Heat Citorious Stirring Wind

  • Opisthotonos, neck, head and spine arch backwards from muscle spasm
  • Tongue: dark red or purple, no coating
  • Pulse: Rapid and wiry


What this means – its pathology

In health, exercise movement is good. It dissipates tension, improves cardiac function and helps us sleep better.

In Chinese medicine, what is called Wind is a well-recognised cause of disease and disruption of health. It’s a big subject and you can read more under Wind.

Because Wind is a major cause of illness in Chinese medicine, when it is stirred, you get symptoms like epilepsy with Yang forces pushing upwards too strongly to be contained, hence the neck rigidity, teeth clenching and convulsions.

Technically the Blood Heat is affecting the Liver producing internal Liver Wind, like opening an oxygen cylinder onto a fire.


Aims of treatment of Blood Level Heat Victorious Stirring Wind

The aim is to Clear Heat from the Blood and to pacify the Wind.

Acupuncture uses points that clear Heat from the Blood, and other points to calm Liver Wind.  Frequent treatment would be necessary.

Herbal formulae for this condition might need to be taken in small, frequent doses.


What happens if you suppress symptoms of this level?

Were you able to suppress these symptoms without clearing the Heat from the Blood, your patient would  fall into one of the other Blood level syndromes, probably Collapse of Yang.

Western medicine would almost certainly use antibiotics which have a cooling effect. Of course, in Blood level diseases like Ebola and meningitis, death may come quickly for some.

Western medicine searches urgently for ways to immunize the population first.

Other responses at the Blood level


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Jonathan Brand colours

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