Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Book for our next seminar – The Soul of Chinese Medicine – the Five Elements – (18th January 2025)!
The Scottish College for Chinese Medicine helps people learn about the huge benefits of and the cultural background to Chinese medicine.
When you go for – say – acupuncture – to treat pain or improve health, you probably think it’s like taking a painkiller or a supplement.
It’s true that acupuncture is increasingly recognised for its painkilling benefits but that’s a bit like saying surgery represents the whole of Western medicine!
Acupuncture and other forms of therapy used in Chinese medicine are based, traditionally, in and on the cultural history and experience of China. If you ignore what that offers, you probably won’t get the full benefits of your treatment.
One example: just as we now recognise, in the ‘West’ the importance of proper nutrition for health, so too in the Chinese cultural tradition, food and its ‘energy’ make a significant contribution to your health.
Of course, many patients taking Western-style medication have appallingly bad diets … they will take longer to get and remain better than those who adopt better dietary regimes.
The same goes with Chinese medicine, but there is far more to it than just food, important though food is. Chinese medicine has equivalents for most forms of Western medicine therapy. But it has a huge philosophy behind it too, emphasising what is fundamentally a vitalistic concept of health and well-being.
And it’s got experience too, probably as much as 3000 years worth! (Not just in China, but all over East Asia and now the world, meaning many millions of patient-experiences.)
Vitalism is often derided by Western medicine, which is reductionist. However, vitalism offers hope because it recognises the importance of the spirit in health, whether by spirit you mean when you recognise someone in ‘high’ or ‘low’ spirits, or you mean something more religious or even metaphysical. This comes down to the idea of ‘qi’, the energy of life.
With, at heart, the philosophy of yin and yang, and the five elements, and much else, Chinese medicine offers many ways for people to recover a positive attitude to health and happiness.
The Scottish College for Chinese medicine aims to provide, initially, short courses for the general public, on how understanding health from the Chinese medical perspective can provide benefit for life.
The following shows forthcoming courses.
PLEASE NOTE!! At present we do NOT offer training leading to a licence to practise acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine. If this is what you need, we list below some of the British schools you should contact.
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With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Why You get Nervous Stomach Anxiety and How to Handle It. Acupuncture has great ways to help.
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