Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
This page is a list of ‘Heart Syndromes’! You’ll agree that your heart functions are important?
The Heart ‘functions’ page describes what your Heart does – in Chinese medicine. (Click here for how Western medicine describes it.)
Much more could be written about it, including how it fits into the Fire phase. is supported by your Wood phase and in turn supports your Earth phase.
In youth and health, you don’t really notice your heart. Nor need you bother much about its health.
But as you age, or wither or diminish, its action becomes more pressing.
Of course, as in Western medicine, there are lifestyle and diet factors that can harm your Heart. For example, eat too many of the wrong foods or too often, and watch your heart get ill – and you!
One of the beauties of Chinese medicine is that it suggests factors that may cause Heart ill-health that Western medicine is cautious about mentioning. And it shows you how, untreated, a given syndrome may progress to something more serious that is harder to treat.
Fortunately Chinese medicine can often greatly help anyone with heart pathology back towards health. It does this after diagnosing your condition in terms of Chinese medicine – your pathology as described in these syndromes,- and by assessing the state of your acupuncture channel system, including your Heart channel.
Then it has ways to treat you (eg acupuncture and/or herbs) and vital advice for you to follow.
In Chinese medicine, your Heart ‘governs’ your circulatory system and this page on Heart Blood goes into what it means. Very important! Worth reading!
Not least, because in Chinese medicine your Blood, especially your Heart Blood, is where you keep your Mind. (Your ‘Mind’ is different from your ‘brain’.)
What happens when your Heart functions go wrong? This page lists the various pathologies or ‘Heart syndromes’ – in Chinese medicine – of your Heart!
Of course, you may read through the above list of heart syndromes and not find any one that precisely fits your symptoms. That’s because everyone is different and almost certainly your condition is made up of several syndromes of the Heart and maybe with some others, eg of the Lung, or Spleen or Kidney. And there might be blocks along some of your acupuncture channels.
Chinese medicine is wonderful, and in most ways quite different to Western medicine.
Basically, however, Chinese medicine consists of three factors:
If you forgot to ask, what’s a syndrome?! Click here – Syndromes!
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With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Why You get Nervous Stomach Anxiety and How to Handle It. Acupuncture has great ways to help.
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