Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
This is where we’ve put links to other sites we’ve found useful. If on trying a link it doesn’t work, please let us know through our contact box below and we’ll try to get it corrected.
We add links we think useful from time to time. We do not expect the site linked to to give us a link back, though we don’t object!
The Healthy House Ltd www.healthy-house.co.uk has a number of useful links, and a catalogue of products you may find useful.
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The nutritional supplements we like have kept us in pretty good health – only one cold in 7 years as compared to about 3 colds annually before starting them.
They have received considerable favourable scientific research published in peer-reviewed journals over many years.
They aren’t the cheapest on the market but their standards are high. The products are almost entirely made from natural foods from which the water and fibre has been removed.
They are then ‘freeze-dried’ to retain the enzymes, minerals and vitamins in the original proportions. This makes them not only very nutritious but also easily accepted and absorbed by your body, ie ‘bio-available’.
To read about the scientific research and find out more visit their website here.
Another of these useful links is Bentonite clay which has many qualities. I don’t think the ancient Chinese had it, but they had other substances used in herbal medicine that did something similar. However, to get those, you need to see a practitioner.
Here’s a product that purports to do all sorts of things, including helping to cleanse and detox. I regard it as being cooling in nature so you might also need to take ginger tea to warm your Spleen and so compensate for the cooling action of the clay.
Buy it here: Bentonite Clay
Find out more here
Almost everyone should exercise.
Our bodies have evolved over the last three-quarters of a million years during which there was no sign of a book until 500 years ago, a radio until 80 years ago and a TV with remote until – what? – 40 years ago.
And how many humans spent most of their days sitting at desks until a few hundreds years ago? Not many! Most of us worked our butts off – physically.
Also, almost all of us had to walk or work our bodies to earn or find food and make shelter for ourselves. It’s not long since someone had to carry water daily. In many countries this still goes on.
Our bodies don’t stay well if we don’t exercise them.
So … what’s good exercise?
Visit www.infoholix.net for information on natural health subjects.
Visit www.healers.co.uk for information on other therapists.
Updated 12 March 2020
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With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Why You get Nervous Stomach Anxiety and How to Handle It. Acupuncture has great ways to help.
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