Bowen is Good For? Read and judge for yourself!

Photo by Jesper Aggergaard - Unsplash

Bowen is Good For What?

This page describes our experience of what Bowen is good for – however…

Please note! As from 1st July 2011 the British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) insists that except for a very limited range of conditions, no claims for efficacy may be made for therapies explained on this website, either in describing problems treated or testimonials given by patients about successful treatments, unless what is called “robust” scientific evidence is given in support.

In general this means that a series of double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised tests on humans must be done in sufficient numbers to meet stringent criteria of the kind now required in modern drug-testing by large pharmaceuticals. A majority of these must show positive results.

For therapies that base their treatments on individualised diagnoses in terms of an understanding of health markedly different from Western or orthodox medicine, this is very difficult, and beyond the financial means available. Hence on this page we cannot claim any therapeutic benefits from using Bowen. Nor can we report what patients have said about its effects, except in broad terms, or with the names of conditions patients mentioned deleted. Hence the occasional missing letters or words. Sorry. You are welcome to ring us for a verbal explanation, however!

So – Bowen is Good For what? …

We’ve used Bowen for an enormous range of problems, from p…-v…. …. type ……., to ….. p… and difficulty b………. All sorts of m…… a…., s…… and s…… respond to it, and many athletes and sportspeople find it works faster than anything else for sports injuries and pains, speeding recovery time, not to mention just keeping fit and in trim.

Back Massage, how Bowen works and what Bowen is good for
Image by Mariolh from Pixabay

It’s also widely used on animals – although we aren’t trained to do it, though the basic principles are the same.

It also appears to improve the working of the cardiovascular system, circulation, nerve (neurological) system, digestive, endocrine and reproductive systems. And it can help balance the different sides of the body.

Here is a list of some of the conditions that it is reputed that Bowen is good for:

  • Frozen shoulder
  • Carpal Tunnel syndrome
  • Neck, Back and Shoulder problems and pain
  • Digestion
  • Breathing, asthma, chronic cough
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Endocrine, hormonal problems, including infertility
  • Stress and nervous tension
  • Musculoskeletal problems ie muscular, tendon, bone pain
  • Hamstrings tension
  • Arthritis
  • Sciatica

But it isn’t a cure-all! Like every form of therapy, it has limits. It’s not the first therapy we would recommend for skin problems like eczema and psoriaris, for instance, though a course of Bowen nearly always improves the tone and vitality of your skin.

On the other hand, it has been used very successfully for conditions you might think wouldn’t respond to it, like nighmares, pain from degeneration of intervertebral discs, glue ear, and – on an ongoing basis – for conditions like cerebral palsy.

It is also used to keep people healthy while they undergo chemotherapy and other conditions requiring the administration of ‘strong’ medicine.

Bowen is good for … said Tom Bowen

Tom Bowen apparently said that, in most cases, if the condition didn’t respond within 3 treatments, further treatment wouldn’t help.

We have found this to be mostly true: many conditions are greatly improved if not apparently cured within three treatments, at weekly intervals. Often only one or two treatments are needed.

In other cases, people notice a considerable improvement within one or two treatments, but need some further treatments to consolidate the improvement.

Some long-term conditions, including inherited illnesses, do need ongoing treatment.

MANY people like to have an occasional treatment, perhaps every month or two, as they find they feel so much better afterwards.

Don’t have Bowen whilst having other forms of physical therapy, and please do tell us what kinds of treatment you’ve had in the past, or are having now, of whatever kind.

Leave at least one week between having a Bowen treatment and any other kind of physical treatment.

Bowen is safe and very effective for most people of all ages: babies, children and the elderly.



None, really, because Bowen is individualised for each patient. In practice, some specific conditions may respond better to other therapies, however.

Don’t have a large meal, or take intoxicating drugs such as alcohol, immediately before or after a Bowen Treatment.

Preferably don’t take caffeine – for example strong coffee – or other strong stimulants – the day you have treatment.

We prefer not to treat clients who are heavily intoxicated.


Other pages on Bowen on this site

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