Bowen Testimonials

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Please note re these Bowen Testimonials!

As from 1st July 2011 the British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) insists that except for a very limited range of conditions, no claims for efficacy may be made for therapies explained on this website, either in describing problems treated or testimonials given by patients about successful treatments, unless what is called “robust” scientific evidence is given in support.

In general this means that a series of double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised tests on humans must be done in sufficient numbers to meet stringent criteria of the kind now required in modern drug-testing by large pharmaceuticals. A majority of these must show positive results.

For therapies that base their treatments on individualised diagnoses in terms of an understanding of health markedly different from Western or orthodox medicine, this is very difficult, and beyond the financial means available. Hence on this page we cannot claim any therapeutic benefits from using Bowen. Nor can we report what patients have said about its effects, except in broad terms, or with the names of conditions patients mentioned deleted. Hence the occasional missing letters or words. Sorry. You are welcome to ring us for a verbal explanation, however!


The following Bowen testimonials relate to treatments given by Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott.

‘Jonathan interduced me to the Bowen method. I was doubtful as I had a longterm b… i…… After the first treatment I felt so different as the p… had become dull and very much less intense. Also I felt it awaken my whole body. I looked forward to my next two treatments. Which also went better than expected. I am very grateful for Johnathan who using the Bowen treatment made me feel so much better.’ 
(Joan Major, Edinburgh (Received three treatments.)

‘I suffered with r……… severe b… p… from an i…… I went to the Edinburgh Natural Health Clinic to see Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott. I was introduced to the Bowen method. After receiving just three sessions I have had total relief for over two months.’
(Kerry Watts, Falkirk (Received three treatments.)


Other Bowen Testimonials

“I had suffered a shoulder muscle i….. while weight training and although having visited a physiotherapist, it did not appear to be improving. It was preventing me from playing tennis competitively with the impact on my serve. Using the Bowen Technique, the difference was evident after the first session and continued over the following weeks. I have now been able to return to the gym and play tennis again to my former standard as a county player. I would have no hesitation in recommending Jonathon’s expertise with these ailments and in particular the use of the Bowen Technique.” 
Alistair Armstrong, Edinburgh (Received three treatments.)


“I recently volunteered to a three week program for Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott at the Edinburgh Natural Health Centre with regard to the Bowen technique. Having not done anything like this before I approached the first meeting with an open mind. I had been feeling generally stressed, run down and not sleeping properly. Jonathan’s approach is very thorough. He takes a great deal of time to discuss matters regarding my general health and well being before starting any treatment. I was also made to feel totally at ease with the whole procedure. I must admit to being a bit sceptical regarding how this could work during my first session, as the whole process is so subtle.

The process involves gentle manipulations of various muscles which includes periods of rest between each application. The overall process is very restful. I can honestly say that after my second visit I was sleeping and feeling a lot better and this continued after my third and final visit. Due to the outstanding results and benefits I have received from this form of treatment, any future complaints, my first port of call with be Jonathan.” (Peter Lavin – Edinburgh (Received three treatments)


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