Chinese Medicine Books
Chinese medicine books are what you need to support studying acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Also for Tuina, Guasha and 5 Elements.
Chinese medicine books are what you need to support studying acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Also for Tuina, Guasha and 5 Elements.
People who’ve read my book are kindly writing what they think and you can read their opinions at Qi Stagnation Reviews.
This page lists Yuck Phlegm reviews that I’ve received or found on the net. It won’t have them all because I’m too busy to search for them. Hope it helps you decide whether to buy the book.
With TCM Theory, the more you study the more everything becomes inter-connected. That’s both a strength and a weakness!
Yin Deficiency Reviews – of the book. What do people think about it? Did they find the information useful? Read their opinions!
Western Astrology and Chinese Medicine was written in 1986. It had quite a few reviews but the author lost the file containing them during a house move!
Interested in Acupuncture Study, Reading and Chinese medicine? Here’s a good reading list to get started. Many colleges recommend them too.
Yuck Phlegm is the title of my book on phlegm. If the picture makes you recoil, you’re in good company. Whoever talks about phlegm, anyway?
Yang Deficiency The Book? How do the Olympics, the battle of Stalingrad, an infant’s first smile, and cold hands fit together? Make sense of life, the universe and everything!
Chinese medicine books are what you need to support studying acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Also for Tuina, Guasha and 5 Elements.
People who’ve read my book are kindly writing what they think and you can read their opinions at Qi Stagnation Reviews.
This page lists Yuck Phlegm reviews that I’ve received or found on the net. It won’t have them all because I’m too busy to search for them. Hope it helps you decide whether to buy the book.
With TCM Theory, the more you study the more everything becomes inter-connected. That’s both a strength and a weakness!
Yin Deficiency Reviews – of the book. What do people think about it? Did they find the information useful? Read their opinions!
Western Astrology and Chinese Medicine was written in 1986. It had quite a few reviews but the author lost the file containing them during a house move!
Interested in Acupuncture Study, Reading and Chinese medicine? Here’s a good reading list to get started. Many colleges recommend them too.
Yuck Phlegm is the title of my book on phlegm. If the picture makes you recoil, you’re in good company. Whoever talks about phlegm, anyway?
Yang Deficiency The Book? How do the Olympics, the battle of Stalingrad, an infant’s first smile, and cold hands fit together? Make sense of life, the universe and everything!
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