Qi Stagnation Reviews

Qi Stagnation by Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott

The following Qi Stagnation reviews are from people who having read my book kindly gave their opinions to help you decide whether to read it.

From direct communications it’s good to know that many practitioners and students of acupuncture also find it useful though it wasn’t really written for them!

Qi Stagnation is part of TCM theory  – the theory behind Chinese medicine.

Qi Stagnation Reviews

“I have one real comment I want to make.

I love the idea you have put in my head that Qi stagnation has a very positive attribute in that it represents a tremendous, banked up, potential power resource. We are generally so hung up on the downside of everything, especially when our bodies don’t feel good.

You have transferred the idea that our dis-eases are a power bank, just waiting for us to release the dams, in order to fuel our dreams, AND – that figuring out how to let the Qi go could actually be FUN.

That is a pretty exhilarating idea! Therein lies the way towards health.

Perhaps your book will be one of the transformative agents which will set the world alight (Water fueling Wood, fueling Fire!) and get us all moving again.”

Barbara (Ontario, Canada) Self-certified Amazon purchaser, in review contributed directly to this site – for her full comments see ‘What Other Visitors Have Said’ at bottom of this page.


Scholarship and Whimsical Humour

85% readers gave the book either 4 or 5 stars on Amazon. See what they said, and view the book, by clicking here or on the book’s image.




May I ask, if you read the book, and then have a constructive (and preferably positive) view of it, to give your opinion in the form below to help others make up their minds? Alternatively, if you buy it from Amazon, write your Qi Stagnation review on the page there instead, or in addition to writing it below.

(Note. Several people have told me that accessing the Appendices, which form a vital part of the book, is much easier in the paperback edition than in the Kindle edition.)


‘Qi Stagnation – Signs of Stress’ Reviews/Opinions

If you’ve read ‘Qi Stagnation – Signs of Stress’, do please leave your (preferably positive) review below! You can also leave it on Amazon’s site if you purchased it through them.

What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page…

Qi Stagnation Review Not rated yet
I did buy Qi Stagnation from Amazon, but I regret, I’m too taken up with exploring further to take the extra time to go and add my comment from Amazon’s …

Qi Stagnation Review Not rated yet
I wanted to read this book through before i wrote a review…Well what can I say…It’s been the best book I have read in this field by far,money well …

Jonathan Brand colours

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