Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Most meat is yang in action. It is blood building. It builds muscle but also heats you. Hot foods warm and energise you but they can unbalance your system. Meat’s action is mainly upwards and outwards.
You realise this after a while of eating a lot of meat when you
Very yang and heating, and very blood-building are
Any animal or bird flesh is somewhat heating, the more so the more of it you eat, and the more often you eat it.
That means that the occasional roast chicken would have little effect unless you had it everyday, several times a day.
Animal bones if gently boiled with vegetables for long periods produce excellent stock. This is a safe food that really helps people who are yang deficient.
These fruits have traditionally been added to some meat dishes to tenderise and moisturis the meat, but also to improve the taste. Traditional cooking from ancient cultures have for long appreciated the benefits of combining different kinds of foods.
To balance the yang actions of meat, you should take blood clearing foods. Check the link!
Also, bitter taste foods help remove the excess heat that arises from eating too much meat.
Perhaps you think that if Meat is a Hot food, then why not just concentrate on Cold foods to balance the meat’s heat?
In principal this is good thinking, but in practice it’s harder to do because it’s difficult to get it right. It’s usually better to be more specific about the food you combine with meat.
Also, remember that you don’t have to get everything right at every meal. Although that would be ideal, you can often balance one meal which may be – say – too heating, with the next meal being more cooling.
That’s why we have a page on blood clearing foods.
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With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
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