Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Key Learning Points for Kidney Yang Deficiency
Kidney Yang deficiency is common. Probably we all get it at some time, especially as we age or from chronic illness or physical strain. In Chinese medicine, it’s a syndrome.
If you are young or fit, you can soon get over it, because your supplies of Jing-Essence and Mingmen, and your lifestyle, give you the resources to recover.
Eventually, as these deep resources of your body and genetic inheritance erode, you take longer to recover and may find other processes in your body also wear out.
Good treatment can delay this if you take the right action.
Do consider acupuncture and Chinese medicine! A huge amount of time, over thousands of years, has been spent thinking about how to slow this ageing process!
The rest of this page will make much more sense if you read two other pages on this site:
You will also benefit from understanding Kidney YIN. Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang work very closely together: like the accelerator and brake in a car, you need both.
You may also find Balancing Yin and Yang helpful.
First, think of your house. If you live in Scotland, you almost certainly have central heating, a source of warmth – YANG.
Summers are seldom intolerably hot here, so few people need air-conditioning, which is cooling – YIN.
If you live in a hot country – naturally hot, so providing free Yang – you probably don’t bother with central heating. On the few days when it’s cold, you light a fire and just wrap up a bit. But you would definitely like to have air-conditioning – Yin – to keep you cool the rest of the time.
Kidney Yang is how Chinese medicine explains the warming function in your body. (Actually, for geeks, that’s not quite right, but it’s good enough for the rest of us here.)
Kidney Yang draws its energy from Mingmen and Jing Essence, as does Kidney Yin, but it applies it to make things warmer.
This warming process is mighty important! Animals who lack it, like snakes and lizards, depend on the sun to warm them up before they can get active. Mammals, such as humans, have mitochondria. How we acquired this is apparently due to a ‘virus-like’ bug that colonised our cells millions of years ago, and which produces heat.
I suppose that is where our Kidney Yang, or to be more accurate, our Mingmen energy, comes from.
So when Kidney Yang deficiency appears, what are its symptoms?
Because Kidney Yang warms things, when deficient it fails to warm and dry, so along with the coldness mentioned above, there are digestive weaknesses:
The next group of Kidney Yang deficiency symptoms relates more specifically to the function of the Kidney, so are shared with Kidney Yin deficiency symptoms.
Kidney Yang deficiency means difficulty re-producing because it cannot ‘warm’ the Jing-essence. We might call this the individual’s genetic code and the urge to re-produce. This causes:
If you are unable to do anything about your Kidney Yang deficiency or its causes, and can’t get treatment for it, what might happen next?
Well, first of all, do not abandon hope! If it teaches nothing else, Chinese medicine’s knowledge of the working of Yin and Yang leads its practitioners to believe that nothing stays the same for ever.
If you are alive, things may change. In fact things always change: sometimes too fast and often too slowly! But change they do. It would be nice if they always did what you wanted, but as you age, you learn that what you wanted isn’t necessarily what the universe ‘wanted’, nor is it necessarily what leads to your happiness and health.
When I was 10, I decided I wanted a Rolls Royce for my birthday. My parents ran a farm, not a very big one and certainly not a very rich one. Whenever I explained how much I wanted a Rolls Royce (yes, we’re talking about a real Rolls Royce car, not an aero engine or a toy), I was much encouraged by their smiles. If you’ve ever spent much time on a small hilly farm with pigs, cows and chickens, and rain, you may be aware of something called ‘mud’. I have to tell you that, while they are marvellous cars, (though I’ve now decided I want a Bentley Continental, as Rolls Royce cars are a bit ‘bling’ and, anyway, I don’t like their new-style radiator grills), Rolls Royce cars were not really built for muddy farm life. I still have what I actually received for that birthday – a small box to keep my pencils in. |
First, address the Cause!
Can you do anything about this before you visit your acupuncturist?
You certainly can!
But even before that, learn the foods that probably work against or weaken your Kidney Yang energy. There’s no point eating more of the good if you don’t stop the bad. That would be like pouring water onto a fire with one hand while pouring petrol (gasoline) onto it with the other.
What foods harm Kidney Yang? Mostly these are cold, raw, uncooked foods or drinks, including any chilled or iced.
There go the chilled champagne and the gin and tonic, then. But mulled wine is not so bad!
And for what may help, click on Kidney Yang Foods.
When Kidney Yang deficiency persists, in time various other Yang deficiency syndromes appear, the most common being – though not necessarily in the following order:
This syndrome, Kidney Yang deficiency, is a particular kind of general Yang deficiency.
All these syndromes that occur as a result of Kidney Yang deficiency can usually be helped with Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
So make an appointment with an experienced acupuncturist!
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Book a Video consultation if you want to know more about your symptoms
If you get acupuncture treatment in a Chinese hospital for Kidney Yang deficiency I daresay they might use acupuncture points such as the following, because these are what the books and basic training say. (NB – see the CAUTION below!)
But these may not, for you, be the best points. Using other points instead or as well might make a significant difference.
Which are those other points? That depends on your general constitution, not mine! Finding them might require knowledge of Five Elements or of extra-ordinary channels for example.
In any case, I would expect effective treatment to include moxa (moxibustion) and advice on diet and living conditions, exercise and so on, without which you might be wasting your time and could expect little improvement.
Over-use, or mis-use of these points may make you feel distinctly worse, especially with needles and moxa. Get someone experienced with acupuncture to treat you. Doing it yourself is NOT recommended.
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Why You get Nervous Stomach Anxiety and How to Handle It. Acupuncture has great ways to help.
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