Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Liver 13 is the thirteenth point along the main Liver acupuncture channel and is:
Zhangmen lies at the tip of the 11th rib, or just inferior and anterior to it.
1/ Perpendicular to the skin. Recommended depth of needle is no more or less than that required to reach the point. In thin people this may be only a quarter of an inch, whereas in fat people it could be two inches or even more. With that in mind, beware of needling too deeply.
The way I reach it is to palpate the point which, if it needs treatment, is usually sensitive if not actually sore, and assess how deeply I have to press the skin inwards to reach it.
Then I insert the needle with the skin pressed inwards on either side of the point, so that the actual depth from the surface of the skin to the point is less.
Once I have deqi, I slowly release the flesh with the other hand and as it springs back to normal I allow it to ride up the sides of the shaft of the needle which I’m keeping stationery so as to remain in contact with the point.
This means that in fat people you must start with a longer needle, otherwise the flesh as it rises will eventually drag the needle’s point away from the point.
2/ Parallel to the rib either medially or laterally, but in this case you must insert the needle from either further forward (if needling laterally) or further back (if needling medially). This increases the difficulty of finding the point, I find.
Local to the area, but frequently extends across the abdomen, or upwards or downwards, depending on the disharmony being treated.
Moxa: 5 – 10 cones
Note: ‘Jiao’ means ‘burning space’ and in Chinese medicine your trunk has three: above the diaphragm, below the diaphragm but above the umbilicus, and below the umbilicus. You could say this means the chest, the upper and the lower abdomen, but the word ‘jiao’ – ‘burning space’ describes not just the place but the activity: it tells you more about the function.
The Spleen is said to be the assembly point for the 5 Zang. I’ve always taken this to mean that it enables the zang organs to function properly. Therefore if all 5 are diseased, this point becomes particularly important.
Liver 13 is both a Spleen point and a Liver point and can almost be used for either one or the other, as well as both, so often does the desired outcome require the same treatment for both.
Partly because Liver 13 is a meeting or ‘Assembly’ point with the Gallbladder, I’ve used this point for thigh and leg pain, including sciatica (along with other points) when it seemed indicated, such as when the pain was either along the Spleen meridian or the Gallbladder or Liver meridian.
I don’t see why it shouldn’t also be used for shoulder or arm pain along the Lung, Pericardium or Three-heater channels because of those channels’ respective relationships with the Spleen, Liver and Gallbladder.
The name of the point – ‘Gate of the System’ is suggestive. I don’t read or speak Chinese, so hope someone will enlighten me, but the suffix ‘-men’ appears to be the same as that used in the other points with the same suffix, where it is usually translated as a gate, or portal. ‘Zhang’ on the other hand, may be the same as ‘zang’ in which case the point literally becomes the gate of the 5 Zang, making it an enormously important point for harmonising them. Whether this is the case, it certainly does seem to harmonise them.
Cupping this point can be very effective for Liver Wind conditions as well for other excess conditions arising from Liver invading Spleen.
Many of my lecturers suggested I always use it with Liver 14 (which is the Alarm or Mu point of the Liver, and a meeting point of the Liver and Spleen channels with the Yin Linking vessel) to strengthen its effect, but I have seldom found this necessary.
Besides, Liver 14 is also the Exit point of the Liver channel, making it a kind of entry point of the Lung channel. Using it might temporarily change the Lung or other pulses, changing the dynamic between all the pulses and reducing the real feedback to me of the outcome of my treatment on Liver 13.
I belong to the minimalist school! I prefer to do the least possible to help the body change positively. If I do too much, I may upset something.
This is a great point for treating irritable bowel pain and for enabling the faeces to move. If someone habitually gets pain of this sort, you can show them where to massage over the point. Do emphasise, however, that such massage will be palliative only unless other points are treated properly after a considered diagnosis in Chinese Medicine.
Please don’t be tempted to use this point on yourself! It can be quite deep on fat people and just under the skin on thin people. In both cases it is easy to go too deep and prick something better left alone. See an acupuncturist!
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For what WESTERN medicine says about the liver, click here!
Liver-1 | Dadun | Great Clarity |
Liver-2 | Xingjian | Walk Between |
Liver-3 | Taichong | Great Pouring |
Liver-4 | Zhongfeng | Middle Seal |
Liver-5 | Ligou | Woodworm Groove |
Liver-6 | Zhongdu | Central Capital |
Liver-7 | Xiguan | Knee Joint |
Liver-8 | Ququan | Spring at the Bend |
Liver-9 | YinBao | Yin Wrapping |
Liver-10 | Zuwuli | Leg Five Miles |
Liver-11 | Yinlian | Yin Angle |
Liver-12 | Jimai | Urgent Pulse |
Liver-13 | Zhangmen | System Gate |
Liver-14 | Qimen | Cycle Gate |
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