Small Intestine 7: Zhizheng ‘Upright Branch’

Small Intestine 7 is the seventh point on the Small Intestine acupuncture channel.

  • Luo-connecting point



The point lies on the anterior face of the arm, 5 cun proximal to Small Intestine 5, on a line between Small intestine 5 and Small Intestine 8.

Small intestine 7
SI 7


Needling Small Intestine 7

SI-7 Small intestine 7 is between the ulna bone and the flexor carpi ulnaris.

Ideally find this point with the patient lying supine, forearm resting on the chest. In other words, the forearm should be pronated.

Needle perpendicularly to the skin, up to 1 cun.



In my experience, needling provokes just a strong deqi sensation locally.

If needed, the point is often a little sore to pressure.



Moxibustion: up to 4 cones.



  • Quietens the Spirit
  • Opens the channel and thereby reduces pain
  • Clears Heat and releases it to the Exterior


For more on how this point is used, see Small Intestine Luo channel.


  • Because Small Intestine 7 Zhizheng clears Heat and quietens the Spirit, it has been used for calming worry or grief or apprehension but also for manic insanity. When used with Bladder 58 it forms a specific (and ancient) prescription to calm the Spirit and clear and awaken the brain, as for example in the syndrome Heart Phlegm-Fire: consequently it may help symptoms such as headache, dizziness and visual disturbances
  • Because of the luo-connecting pathway of the Small Intestine, Zhizheng is useful for  for calming the Heart, for example when there are big swings in mood … 
  • … and for pain up the arm (including the elbow) or in the shoulder.
  • Similarly, the point is used for local meridian problems such as those of a swollen jaw, neck pains, torticollis (acute: much slower for chronic), spasms and contractions of the elbow.
  • In some ways this point is rather like Bladder 58, the luo-connecting point of the Bladder channel (its partner in the Tai Yang pathway), in that it can help to treat excess above combined with deficiency below. They occupy fairly similar places on their respective limbs, and making them work together, as in the ancient prescription mentioned above, makes good sense.
  • Massaging the point can ease pain in the upper abdomen.


I have heard comments from a number of sources about the use of this point. Where I remember the source, it’s in brackets.

  • This point is considered by at least one source to be a secondary Ho point for the Stomach (Ted Kaptchuk)
  • Makes the limbs strong and proper (Dr So)
  • Enhances the production of Jin Ye fluid production (Peter Holmes) especially if used with Small Intestine 8. Hence it helps to strengthen Kidney Yin and Water.


List of Luo-connecting points

Jonathan Brand colours

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