Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Conception Vessel 24, Ren-24 Chengjiang, ‘Receiving Fluid’, is the 24th and last point on the Conception Vessel, one of the so-called ‘Extraordinary’ acupuncture channels.
On the face, under the lower lip in the mid-line, in the depression (the mento-labial groove) between the point of the chin and the lower lip.
One source suggests that you stand the patient up, relaxed, mouth slightly open, to locate the point, but I haven’t found this necessary.
Needle depth no more than 0.5 cun, directed obliquely upwards.
Local and towards the lip.
Up to 7 cones.
However, you need to make sure your patient has confidence in you. Facial skin can mark easily even if it soon heals again.
If you are treating someone here with moxa whose appearance is very important to them (and most of us are a little vain!), especially if their income depends on an unblemished skin, I would suggest you don’t moxa this point.
If they insist, I think you should get a written waiver from them – and no, don’t ask me what I would use, because I’ve never needed it – I just wouldn’t moxa the point with direct moxa!
And if did, I would definitely use something like Shiunko cream first.
Ren-1 | Huiyin | Yin Meeting Place | Ren-13 | Shangwan | Upper Stomach Duct |
Ren-2 | Qugu | Crooked Bone | Ren-14 | Juque | Great Palace Gateway |
Ren-3 | Zhongji | Utmost Middle | Ren-15 | Jiuwei | Dovetail |
Ren-4 | Guanyuan | Source Gate | Ren-16 | Zhongting | Central Hall |
Ren-5 | Shimen | Stonegate | Ren-17 | Shangzhong | Middle of the Chest |
Ren-6 | Qihai | Sea of Qi | Ren-18 | Yutang | Jade Hall |
Ren-7 | Yin Jiao | Yin Intersection/td> | Ren-19 | Zigong | Purple Palace |
Ren-8 | Shenque | Spirit Palace Pathway | Ren-20 | Huagai | Flower Covering |
Ren-9 | Shuifen | Water Separation | Ren-21 | Xuanji | Jade Pearl |
Ren-10 | Xiawan | Lower Stomach Duct | Ren-22 | Tiantu | Heavenly Rushing |
Ren-11 | Jianli | Earthing Within | Ren-23 | Lianquan | Clear Spring |
Ren-12 | Zhongwan | Utmost Middle | Ren-24 | Chengjiang | Fluid Container |
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With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Why You get Nervous Stomach Anxiety and How to Handle It. Acupuncture has great ways to help.
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