Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency
With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
Excess Dreaming can mean that your rapid eye movement sleep is too frequent or restless, and in the morning that you’re exhausted.
Chinese medicine takes this seriously. At night, your Spirit (the Chinese word is ‘Shen‘ which has a different meaning than ‘Spirit’ as used in Abrahamic religions) should ‘rest’ in your Blood. If the Blood isn’t a ‘comfortable’ place for it, or the Spirit is disturbed, it can’t rest properly and it keeps ‘bubbling’ up in dreams that prevent good restful sleep.
This page explains how excess dreaming upsets the harmony. As you’ll realise, it comes down to imbalance between yin and yang energies. Mostly, with excess dreaming there is yang excess, but it’s not all that straightforward! (For more on this, click on yin and/or yang – concepts for stable wisdom.)
Some of the main reasons for excess dreaming are listed in this diagram.
Put another way, if you get someone with ‘Heart and Spleen Blood deficiency’ to try to interpret the dreams of someone with ‘Phlegm Heat Harasses the Mind’ you would probably get a very different result than if the latter had interpreted the former’s dreams.
The latter – Phlegm Heat Harasses the Mind – might make a far more dramatic interpretation than the former: probably more melodramatic and alarming.
Books on interpreting dreams seldom take this into account.
If you plan to get help with your life perhaps because, among other things disturbing you, excess dreaming and sleep problems are a serious worry, do consider seeing an acupuncturist first. He or she may be able greatly to harmonise your body so that, if you do see a professional counsellor (Jungian Psychotherapists are particularly interested in dreams), you will react to the help you receive more rationally and calmly.
Click the following links to find out more:
Click to return from Excess Dreaming to Insomnia Sleep Disorders.
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With Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency, you’ve overstressed your body’s ability to recover from over-exertion and cold.
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