Lung Luo Channel: the Lungs’ connecting meridian


Although the Lung luo channel seems small, the point it starts from is one of the most important acupuncture points in the body – Lung 7, Lieque.


What are Luo Channels?

To find out about luo, also called ‘luo-connecting’ channels,  click here. This page, the one you’re reading now, is specifically about the Lung luo channel.


Lung Luo-connecting channel pathway

Lung luo path extends from Lung 7 to the wrist, palm and thenar prominence. otherwise known as the ball of the thumb. It also connects to the channel of the Large Intestine.


Lung luo channel
Lung Luo channel on thenar prominence


Lung Luo channel symptoms

  • Symptoms of Fullness: heat and inflammation in the wrist and palm, especially over the thenar prominence, 
  • Emptiness symptoms: frequent need to urinate and tendency to yawn. 
  • Symptoms of Wind: aversion to cold, shivering, fever, sore throat, sneezing, cough
  • Invasion of Summer Heat: aversion to cold, with cough and fever
  • Qi Stagnation: chest feels tight and distended, may be itchy and uncomfortable
  • Blood stasis: coughing up blood, with chest pain
  • Lung luo deep pathway problem: coughing up blood, or nosebleed.


What do these Lung symptoms mean?

Of course, each of those syndromes means much more to an acupuncturist. For example, the symptoms of Emptiness (frequent need to urinate and tendency to yawn) are much more than just those two conditions!

Emptiness has a whole range of other attributes which might include tiredness and low spirits, for example. Click here for more about this.

So … signs of Lung luo channel emptiness are not uncommon in the elderly, who are frequently tired and often yawn because of poor sleep patterns, and are also often incontinent.

Unable to take as much exercise as they once did, their Lung qi diminishes, leading to a range of problems including those mentioned here.

Many of them come from the consequences of poor Lung qi.

So an acupuncturist might suggest that someone with this form of emptiness should move around more, walk more outside. Preferably they should do it outside, and even better in the sun! But also, they should not sit for long periods slumped in a chair, which compresses their lungs and makes Qi ‘dissipate’. In other words, they have no energy.

When walking they should try to walk fast enough to get out of breath. When sitting they should do so upright. If they take this sort of advice, they’ll last longer.

Equally, if someone so advised cannot or will not take the advice, then even good acupuncture won’t overcome the results of poor lung-care.

Slumping on a sofa is bad for Lung Qi
Young people slump too – and get symptoms of poor Lung qi related to the Lung Luo channel!

LInks to pages on the Lung Meridian (or Channel) and other Lung syndromes


Links to Luo-connecting channels


List of Luo-connecting points

Jonathan Brand colours

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