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Skin Beauty Care health is what we all want! Chinese medicine can show you what you’re doing wrong, and what could help.
And you’ll pick up some theory along the way. Here goes!
At what point at birth are you reckoned to be OK?
Well, the first thing is, can you breathe? If not, no matter how fast your heart is going, you won’t last long. You have to breathe!
In Chinese medicine, the first listed energy organ is/are your Lungs. (Then the next one, believe it or not, is your Large Intestine! You’ll see why later.)
So for beauty care skin purposes, your lungs come first!
What does that mean? (Picture is of Sage, from my garden: one of many herbs used for ‘restoring’ the lungs, stomach and intestines.)
The Chinese system of medicine is, in its own way, as sophisticated as Western Medicine. It can deal successfully with many problems that Western medicine struggles with: it thinks about health very differently, and expresses things in another way too.
One way it differs is that it puts parts of your body under different energy organs, or zang-fu. For example …
What that means is that, other things being equal, if you have problems with your flesh and muscles (overweight, underweight, losing weight etc), your acupuncturist would probably first consider your Spleen energy. Or at least, it would be very high on his list.
For skin problems, he thinks of your Lungs.
This has partly to do with adjusting your body’s temperature through perspiration. But it goes much further because you have various kinds of skin pores, and they all need to work properly. That includes the pores that moisturise and oil your skin.
So dry, oily, scaly or just troublesome skin, your Lungs are in charge. That’s really important when it comes to your beauty care skin.
There aren’t many bodily functions that you can control without help!
What naturally benefits your skin beauty care will benefit your lungs.
In Chinese medicine, your Blood nourishes all of your body. As you’ll read if you click on that link to the page on Blood, there are a number of reasons, besides your Lungs, why these need attention:
Here’s a picture of a pot of parsley growing in my garden.
Parsley is rich in Vitamin C and its root is used for warming and moistening, but also nourishing and restoring.
Why not grow your own herbs?
Well, of course, if you’ve been unwell, or eaten lots of bad food, and your body has absorbed too much alcohol or smoke, it might need time to clear out the remains of the garbage – to detox!
Read about Damp-Heat in your Large Intestine for more about a situation when your body needs help.
But actually, given half a chance and the right foods, sleep, water and air, it can often do it naturally given a few days.
It would be better to avoid stimulants, alcohol and more garbage-foods during that time, and do what you body actually wants, (which might include an occasional fast) and you’ll detox perfectly naturally.
Talking of stimulants, if you often take what many countries regard as illegal substances, you may be over-stoking your Fire energy. (This may make more sense if you read our page on 5 Elements acupuncture. Also the page on Fire.) The Chinese discovered that one class of foods has the ability to steady your Fire energy. They are the bitter foods. Include them in your diet.
Skin Beauty care health comes together when a whole range of factors come together.
The cells in your blood that make it red each live for only about 4 months. They nourish all your body and other cells are nourished by them. How long do your skin cells live for? 14 – 21 days!
The reason is that you shed skin all the time. That dust in your house? Probably a good deal of it comes from, or rather off, you.
That means that if you have bad skin, within a few weeks of starting to do the right thing, your skin can be improving, as the old, poor quality skin cells get replaced. But that still comes back to your Blood and that’s why the right food is so important.
(And what will you be doing with that old, bad skin during those 3 weeks? Why! You’ll be plastering on rejuvenants and moisturisers to try to keep it alive – when it’s dead! That’s a bit like putting moisturiser on the clot that naturally forms over a wound after you cut yourself. But your body forms the clot only as a temporary measure and eventually discards it when new, healthy skin has formed underneath it. When discarded, the clot takes all that expensive moisturiser with it.)
In most countries until around 150 years ago, ‘bad’ food was only rarely available. Given that, and that our bodies evolved during times of only sometimes plenty and often famine, we are made to store food reserves when we can.
Also, our bodies can put up with the occasional garbage. (Perhaps it’s even quite good for us, just like Candida, if under control in our guts!)
But from around 100 years ago, depending on your country, all sorts of luxury foods became available. Once just there for festivals, they were on sale all year round. These luxuries include:
Each of these has its place but not as a daily food.
We all took more exercise (see Lungs, above). I had to bicycle to school in the 1940s and 1950s, and many walked.
Sometimes children walked a mile to school in the morning, back home for lunch and then back to school for the afternoon, then walked home again after school: 4 – 6 miles every day! At weekends we played outside.
So we ate less and exercised more. Now we eat more and exercise less.
Not good for beauty care skin health.
What’s more …
Over-farming for yield has meant farmers use fertilisers to squeeze more crops from the ground. The fertilisers used are usually just three – phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium – instead of the necessary 70 plus minerals that make up the earth.
So, put in three and take out 70.
Eventually the crops, lacking the soil nutrition they need, become weaker, more prey to bugs and beasties. Then farmers need herbicides, pesticides and fungicides to prevent plant disease and maintain yields. Those often end up in us.
So does the sub-standard food.
Eventually the top-soil blows away leaving – perhaps – sand-dunes.
Consequently, the foods we eat are less rich in essential ingredients.
That doesn’t help your blood. That doesn’t help your beauty care skin health regime either!
But even that’s not all …
It stops them several ways.
Consequently …
Of course, they’ll plaster over some of the ‘cracks’. But you’ll keep needing more for your beauty care skin!
And … bad foods, not containing real nutrition:
My father liked to point out –
(The picture is of green peas growing in a pot in my garden. You just need earth, sun, water and time, then you get good greens, great for clearing blocks!)
If your intestines clog up, that doesn’t help your skin.
Remember, at the top of this page, I said that the second energy organ after the Lungs was the Large Intestine?
That’s where the refined garbage collects, along with the bugs that grow in it, like Candida – which causes thrush.
Now you see perhaps why the Chinese had a point. If you breathe the wrong air and can’t get rid of the garbage, your skin will suffer.
(In case you wonder, where do you find white flour? Well, it’s a long list. Here are just a few of the most frequent contenders: white bread, cake, biscuits, sauces, puddings, rolls, croissants, pastry …)
Sad to say, there is a huge list of ingredients that will sooner or later be shown, if not already, to cause you all sorts of nasty health problems. Often these become apparent only in the long-term so we don’t notice them at the time, and don’t associate their ill-effects with them.
They include chemicals which are so widely used that we think they are safe because so many manufacturers include them.
Please look up and read about some of the following:
There are a growing number of producers who are aware of all this. Here are some that I am aware of. But check their ingredients yourself before you buy! At least they all strive for high standards, I believe.
One I use has helped many, and not just in aid of beauty care skin health. Click here for details.
But don’t forget: don’t keep putting garbage in. Even the best supplements won’t compensate.
If you want healthy plants to grow in a field, by all means start replacing all the missing minerals the soil needs, but also, stop dumping poisonous chemicals on it!
Chinese medicine classifies peppermint as being cool and pungent.
That’s a slightly unusual combination, but it makes peppermint rather special because …
Being cool, therefore YIN in nature, it can:
and, well, a bundle of other stuff, just about all of which can be explained by the fact that peppermint is pungent and cooling, so can help beauty care skin!
You can read lots more about peppermint oil uses and benefits at
Just remember, when you take peppermint oil, it’s much more concentrated than peppermint and so can burn you. Please check the directions carefully! All essential oils like peppermint oil are really concentrated, so potentially dangerous if misused: like any medicine or herb!
You just need a pot, some good earth, water and sun and time.
(Here’s a picture of the thyme I planted a few months ago. Thyme is classified as being good for restoring the function of the lungs, intestines and stomach.)
If you read my book on Qi Stagnation, you’ll understand why gardening is good for nearly all of us.
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This Introductory Chinese medicine course introduces you to the amazing thinking behind this ancient medicine, now increasingly in demand.
The Scottish College for Chinese medicine provides introductory courses for all, explaining Chinese medicine and its cultural background.
Master Tung’s acupuncture is a hidden treasure, lost to China but recovered in Taiwan from where it spread round the world.
Skin health comes mainly from good nutrition, good sleep and a happy outlook.
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If you are interested in understanding how Traditional Chinese Medicine can improve your life sign up to my newsletter for the latest updates.
2 Responses
Thanks a lot for sharing and please keeps sharing.
A great skincare routine idea is here for women.
Thanks Julia – I’m glad you like our page on beauty skin care. Jonathan